Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Petersburgian Case File #9: Water, Water Everywhere But Not A Drop to Drink

Did you know, that St. Petersburg has more canals and bridges than Venice? Its true! Somebody told me so once so it has to be and if it isn't well now I've put it out there on the interwebs so feel free to quote this blog as a research source if that ever happens to be a piece of information you require.*

Okay well there is definitely at least one for sure.

Did you also know that it is highly inadvisable to drink the water in St. Petersburg as it is known to contain a lot of Giardia - a parasite that can lead to diarrhea/vomiting/other general pleasantries of that nature that most rational human begins enjoy avoiding?

Okay well there is definitely at least one for sure.

Therefore most people - especially of the tourist variety - end up drinking a lot of bottled water. Prices of it vary - I've gotten a 2L bottle from a convenience store around where I live for about $1.60 and I've gotten a .33mL bottle from a coffee shop on the city's main street for about $4.30 - but you really start appreciating something so incredibly basic and essential when you have to take a second and actually plan out where the next one is coming from as opposed to just scratching your stomach wandering over to the sink and wrapping your mouth around the facet.

You ungrateful privileged bastard!

Some people, understandable not wanting to pay over $4 for a small bottle of water, argue that they might as well buy alcohol because, hey, it is cheaper. Which is a perfectly fine argument to make if it is 10 at night and we are sitting in a bar and we want to drink and somebody proposes we have a really crazy night by starting off with a round of bottled water. But when that argument is broached during a 1pm lunch at some little cafe, I grow slightly more incredulous to it.

Its hard to tell from this angle but that is actually a bottle of Evian.

I understand that it is the sort of expense one doesn't really encounter at home - maybe not the sort of thing one worked into their budget calculations - but it is also the sort of thing one (quite literally)  cannot live without.** Maybe somebody drinks more, maybe somebody drinks less but when I am thirsty I want water, and I don't think there is any amount of shots that will quench it (maybe an amount that will make me forget I am thirsty but that seems more like a temporary delay than an outright solution). Are the prices ridiculous? Surely. Would I rather risk getting a stomach parasite? Maybe if there are enough shots in me (oh...I think I just figured out the rationale of that argument). Until that time comes, however, I raise my overpriced Bon Aqua to you, dear reader, and say bottoms up!

*And they say you don't learn anything here - all these little stories and factual tidbits would make delightful cocktail party conversation! Absolutely delightful!
** As opposed to "I just can't live without hulu and netflix instant!" God knows it isn't a life I would want to live but, in and of itself, it probably wouldn't kill me.

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